Jewel of the Mountain
Organic Mursalski Tea
"Like Drinking a Cup of Sunshine"

Truly Great Tea
Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Note the aroma of freshly brewed Organic Mursalski Tea with its delicate herbal bouquet and slight minty fragrance. Now take a sip. Taste the bright, clean finish as you savor your first drink. Feel the waves of sunshine fill you with joy and lift your spirits.
Organic Mursalski Tea is a caffeine-free herbal tea that can be enjoyed either hot or cold. Adults and children alike may drink it as a daily beverage.
To learn how to properly brew tea, click here.

Origins of Mursalski Tea
legends and facts.
Although many people in the West are not familiar with Sideritis Scardica (Mursalski Tea), it has been used for centuries throughout the Balkans, Greece and parts of the Mediterranean where it grows in the wild. Many stories from ancient times reveal the healing benefits of the plant. The name Sideritis comes from the Greek word sideros, which means "made of iron". Commonly know as Mountain tea, Shepard's tea or Ironwort, it was supposedly used to heal soldiers from wounds sustained in battles with iron weapons. It was one of the main plants mentioned in the De Materia Medica, a pharmacopoeia of herbs written about 50 A.D. by Dioscorides, a Greek physician in the Roman army. It was believed to be a panacea for many ailments.
Traditionally, people have used it to treat a wide array of complaints from the common cold to boosting immunity and general health.* Several universities in Europe have conducted studies on the compounds of Mursalski tea. It is reported to contain antioxidants, 22 different minerals and naturally occurring plant sterols and flavonoids.¹
* These statementsThese statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease

Why Sustainability
Our Organic Mursalski Tea is single-sourced from a particular area of the Rhodopi range in Bulgaria, and derives its name from the mountainous region in which it grows.
Although it has flourished for centuries in the wild, due to its increased popularity as an herbal medicine, Mursalski Tea almost reached the point of extinction. It is currently Red Listed in the International Union for Conservation of Nature as a threatened species. In an effort to change the status of Mursalski Tea, the Bulgarian government has permitted a small handful of farmers to cultivate the herb using sustainable farming practices.
Our tea is Certified Organic by the European Union and the farmers have received numerous eco-awards from a number of respected institutions in the European Union for not only producing a high quality tea, but also for their commitment to preserving and sustaining Mursalski Tea for future generations.
We are blessed and fortunate to offer Mursalski Tea to North American consumers and to support ongoing conservation efforts as it makes its comeback. It is important for us to leave a minimal carbon footprint. That being said, we are making every effort to use recycled materials in our packaging and create an entirely "green" company.